CBSE Affiliation No.: 2132440 ┋ School Code: 81863

Janki Prasad Shanti Devi International School

"Make a Huge Difference. Start Your Child Growth With Us."

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Late Prof. Bhudev sharma

Founder's Message

Dedicated for quality and productive education

This school was established in the virtuous memory of his late father Shri Janaki Prasad Sharma and mother Smt. Late Shanti Devi by his son Professor Dr. Bhudev Sharma and his daughter in law Smt. Kusum Lata Sharma.

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School Notice Board
School Highlights (स्कूल की कुछ विशेष बातें)
  • High qualified and trained teachers. (उच्च योग्य और प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक।)

  • Stress on English speaking. (अंग्रेजी बोलने पर जोर।)

  • Big Halls and airy classes. (बड़े हॉल और हवादार कक्षाएं।)

  • Fully Developing library. (पूरी तरह से विकसित पुस्तकालय।)

  • Transport facilities. (परिवहन सुविधाएं।)

  • Personal attention is given to every student. (प्रत्येक छात्र पर व्यक्तिगत ध्यान दिया जाता है।)

  • Competitions with other schools from time to time. (समय-समय पर अन्य स्कूलों के साथ प्रतियोगिताएं।)

  • Regular inspections by the manager in the classes. (प्रबंधक द्वारा कक्षाओं में नियमित निरीक्षण।)

  • Special attention on weaker students. (कमजोर छात्रों पर विशेष ध्यान।)

  • Quality Education at nominal fees. (नाममात्र शुल्क पर गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा।)

  • In case of 2 siblings, second child will get a concession of half fee. (2 भाई-बहनों के मामले में दूसरे बच्चे को आधी फीस में छूट मिलेगी।)